Version Number |
Release Date |
Description |
7.3.5 | February 14, 2025 |
7.3.4 | September 27, 2024 |
7.3.3 | May 28, 2024 |
- Added option in Configuration page to skip counting empty studies in statistics reports
- Update the MariaDB Connector client libraries to the latest version 3.3.8 to address a known security vulnerability CVE-2020-13249
- Added support for Admission ID (0038,0010) information for Dicom Modality Worklist (DMWL) related queries and responses
- Added support for PHP 8.3.x
- Added support for Accession Number (0008,0050) to the list of Automatic Purging Filter Attributes in the Tools→Autoamtic Purge Storage Directories page
- Fixed bug in the Dicom Server component where the Automatic Scan of worklist text files would stop if a mal-formatted file was encountered
- Fixed a bug where the Archive Directory Format in the Dicom AE page could not default to the default format as configured in the System Configuration page
7.3.2 | January 29, 2024 |
- Added support for Varian Medical Systems private Radiation Therapy (RT) Plan storage SOP class (UID
- Added support for the Dicom Chest Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) Structured Report (SR) Storage (Class UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Fixed a bug where the HL7 special characters in the embedded URL within the OBR segment were not escape-quoted when sending HL7 ORU report messages
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server component where files larger than 2 GBytes could not be imported on Windows platforms
- Fixed a bug where the scanned Dicom image files were not modified according to the pre-configured Data Element Coercion rules during Automatic Scan of Dicom Part-10 formatted images
7.3.1 | September 26, 2023 |
- Added support for AWS S3 Bucket as long-term storage option for received Dicom images
- Added support for sharing a Dicom study via external URL link after it has been anonymized
- Added support for Source AE Title for Dicom Command Filters configurable for client AEs/SCUs
- Added support for the following Dicom Storage SOP classes:
- Segmentation Storage (Class UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Comprehensive 3D SR Storage (Class UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Extensible SR Storage (Class UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Save the timestamp of User Creation and Last Login for registered user accounts for audit trails
- Added option for the Post-Receive Image Compression feature to replace uncompressed original image if this feature is enabled for lossless compressions (e.g., JPEG2000 Lossless, RLE Compression, etc)
- Fixed a bug when merging a Dicom study with another patient, all studies of the existing patient were merged instead of just that particular/selected study
7.2.9 | April 26, 2023 |
- Added option for annotation with patient information (e.g., Patient ID, Patient Name, etc) from received Dicom studies when converting to JPG/GIF images for display in web browsers
- Added support for PHP 8.2.x
- Switched to version 3.0.x of the OpenSSL libraries (instead of the previous 1.1.x release) to resolve an issue with Dicom TLS transfers between PacsOne Server instances
7.2.8 | January 18, 2023 |
- Added support for Dicom Enhanced MR Color Image Storage class (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Added support for the option to fetch prior studies of the same patient when a new Dicom study is received, with configurable fetching source based on the AE Title from which the new study was received
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where it failed to perform Dicom transfer syntax conversion for RT Structure Set images
- Fixed a bug in the ImageMagick PHP extension where the thumbnail/full-size JPG/GIF images converted from received Dicom images may appear inverted if the Window/Level settings fall into certain boundary conditions
7.2.7 | September 16, 2022 |
7.2.6 | May 2, 2022 |
- Added support for PHP 8.1.x
- Added support for Dicom Spatial Registration Storage (UID 1.2.840.10008. and Spatial Fiducials Storage (UID 1.2.840.10008. classes
- Added AE Titles Assigned Web User filter for the Tools→Statistics Report page
- Fixed a compatibiity issue with MySQL 5.6.x or earlier versions where admin users with the System Administration privilege enabled could not change the passwords of other user accounts
7.2.5 | January 8, 2022 |
- Added support for sending Instance Availability Notification (IAN) messages to subscribed devices/applications when stored Dicom images are deleted, either manually by registered web users or automatically by system purge of archive directories
- Added support for User Administration tasks to User Accounts with the System Administration privilege enabled, which were previously limited only to the Administrator ("root") account
- Added more security restriction which disallows re-use of previous N (default is 8) user passwords when registered users change their passwords
- Added support to Enable/Disable Audio for Dicom Video Conversion to popular HTML5 video formats
- Added support for PHP 8.0.x
7.2.3 | September 23, 2021 |
7.2.2 | May 3, 2021 |
- Added support for "$PatientID/$StudyDate/" Directory Hierarchy option as Archive Directory format
- Added support for Parallel Processing Thread Pool in the Configuration menu, which will be used to perform a variety of tasks (e.g., Import, Compress Entire Database, Automatic Aging from Short-term to Long-term Archive Directories, etc) via a pool of threads running in parallel
- Added option to convert from non-Latin1 (e.g., Cyrillic) character set to Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) in the Dicom Modality Worklist (DMWL) query responses returned to DMWL clients
- Fixed a bug in the Web User Interface where the Split/Merge Study URL link was enabled for users without the Modify privilege
7.2.1 | January 28, 2021 |
- Added support for PHP Data Objects (PDO) Prepared Statements for better protection against SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
- Added support for merging a Dicom study with a different patient or splitting the study into a new patient record with newly assigned Patient ID/Patient Names, via a URL link displayed in the Patient ID column from the study view pages
- Added support for Dicom Real World Value Mapping Storage SOP class (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Fixed a bug in the mal-formatted Dicom Sequence (SQ) items in the JSON response returned for DicomWeb RESTful (QIDO-RS) queries (many thanks to Andrew Tie, Future Zen Pty. Ltd. of Australia for identidying and providing the fix)
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where the network transfer speed may be slow when receiving some types of very large (100+ MBytes per instance) Tomography or Mammography images
- Fixed a bug in the version 7.1.1 Installer for Linux platforms where the default CornerStone Dicom image viewer was not included
- Fixed a bug when configuring Automatic Routing rules for Dicom images, the Purge Received Images After Routing option cannot be enabled if a non-default (0) routing Priority was configured
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server where the completed outgoing Storage Commitment Requests were not deleted after the default purging internal of 90 days
7.1.1 | September 28, 2020 |
- Added support for Dicom TLS (Transport Layer Security) option
- Added support for editing Additional Patient History attribute (0010,21B0) via a URL link from the Patient Information page
- Addressed several security vulnerabilities in the Web User Interface to prevent SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
6.8.4 | April 28, 2020 |
- Added user configurable/non-default directory path to PHP scripts in the Configuration page to enable site specific scripts for each configured instance of PacsOne Server
- Added option to use the Original/Source AE Title when manually forwarding received patients/studies/series/images to a destination AE
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where it was not including the Specific Character Set (0008,0005) information in the Dicom Query (C-FIND) response returned to the querying clients
- Fixed a bug in the Linux version Installer where the jQuery JavaScript library was not included
6.8.3 | January 29, 2020 |
- Added support for Series Date (0008,0021) key attribute for DicomWeb QIDO-RS queries
- Added support for PHP 7.4
- Added support for attaching converted JPG/GIF image when sending email about the subject Dicom Image Notes
- Added support for the following optional attributes in the Dicom Modality Worklist (DMWL) Query and Response:
- Patient's Age (0010,1010)
- Patient's Size (0010,1020)
- Patient's Weight (0010,1030)
Fixed a bug in the Windows 64-bit version Installer build where it was linked against the wrong MySQL Database Connector client library
6.8.2 | September 28, 2019 |
- Added support for combination of Flat and Study Instance UID based Archive Directory Format (e.g., "<AssignedDirectory>/YYYY-MM-DD-WEEKDAY/$StudyInstanceUid/" sub-folder under the assigned Archive Directory)
- Added support for PHP 7.3
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where an empty Patient ID value in the Other Patient IDs Sequence attribute (0010,1002) may cause the original Patient ID (0010,0020) not parsed into the PacsOne Server database
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server component where the original non-default Sending AE Title information was not saved when PacsOne Server retries a failed forwarding job
6.8.1 | February 4, 2019 |
- Fixed a bug/incompatibility in the DicomWeb STOW-RS PHP component where it was not removing the MIME Multi-part separator at the end of MIME-encoded message, which may result in 2 extra bytes (0x0D 0x0A) at the end of the raw Dicom image file uploaded via STOW-RS
- Added support for MySQL 8.x
- Added support for custom/user-configured PHP scripts
- Replace PHP Mcrypt with Sodium extension module as
Mcrypt has been deprecated starting from PHP 7.2
6.7.3 | September 28, 2018 |
- Added support for Dicom Surface Segmentation Storage SOP Class (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Fixed an incompatibility with some DicomWeb STOW-RS clients, where the upload of the Dicom images may fail if there's an extra linebreak (CRLF) at the beginning of the HTTP Multi-part POST data
- Fixed a security bug in the Dicom server component to prevent unauthorized access by SQL-like Calling AE Title
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component when running transfer syntax conversion for images with multiple values encoded in the SOP Classes in Study (0008,0062) attribute
6.7.2 | April 30, 2018 |
- Update to the latest version (2.0.0 - December 8, 2017) of the CornerStone HTML5/JavaScript Dicom image viewer
- Added support for Date-based Key Attributes, e.g., Date of Birth (0010,0030), Study Date (0008,0020), Series Date (0008,0021), etc, for the Automatic Routing feature
- Added support for Anonymization Template when sending Dicom studies to a destination AE
- Make DicomWeb QIDO-RS, WADO-RS and STOW-RS individually administered privileges for each registered web user in the User Administration menu
- Added support for PHP 7.2
- Fixed a build issue for PHP 7.1 Windows Non Thread-Safe builds of the ImageMagick PHP extension ("nozts/php7.1_imagick.dll")
6.7.1 | January 30, 2018 |
- Consolidate to Visual Studio 2017 compiler (VC15) for all C++ component builds on Windows platforms (both 32-bit and 64-bit)
- Added support for Automatic Routing by Source AE Group. For example, if an Automatic Routing rule is defined with an AE group as the Source AE Title, and an incoming Dicom study is received with the Source AE Title matching with a member of that AE group, then the study is considered a match with the configured Automatic Routing rule and will be forwarded according to that rule
- Added support for DICOMweb RESTful services, which include Query based on ID for DICOM Objects (QIDO-RS), Web Access of DICOM Objects (WADO-RS) and Store over the web (STOW-RS)
- Added support for Institution Name (0008,0080) as one of the key attributes when querying remote Dicom AEs from the Dicom AE page
6.6.3 | September 28, 2017 |
- Added support for PHP 7.1
- Fixed a memory leak bug in the Dicom server component when importing Dicom images with data elements of Unknown ("UN") Value Representation (VR) type
- Fixed a bug in the integration module ("php/wado.php") for the Web Access to Dicom Objects (WADO) Image Viewers (e.g., CornerStone Viewer, etc), which would prevent the WADO viewers from being loaded successfully in version 6.6.2 of PacsOne Server
6.6.2 | May 30, 2017 |
- Added support for integration with a remote Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for user authentication and user account management
- Added support for non-compliant JPEG2000-compressed pixel data stream from certain MR modality manufacturer by skipping until the first JPEG Marker (0xFF)
- Added support for Dicom Video Photographic Image Storage SOP Class (UID 1.2.840.10008. and MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 High Profile / Level 4.1 Transfer Syntax (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server component when forwarding images to a destination AE so that PacsOne Server will not propose the Preferred Transfer Syntax for that destination AE, if the original transfer syntax of the images being forwarded is compressed by a different compression other than the Preferred Transfer Syntax
- Fixed an incompatibility with FireFox Browser where the downloaded filenames in the Content Disposition field were not interpretted correctly if there is any embedded space character
6.6.1 | January 31, 2017 |
- Updated minimum kernel requirement to version 2.6.32 or higher for both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux platforms
- Added support for Dicom video conversion into popular HTML5 video formats including WebM and MP4, in addition to the legacy Flash (SWF) format
- Added support for Matching by Key Attribute when defining Data Element Coercion rules in the Tools page
- Added support for TLS/SSL encryption for SMTP server configurations
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server component where the default Little-Endian Implicit VR transfer syntax may be proposed twice when PacsOne Server establish a Dicom association with a destination AE, if the Preferred Transfer Syntax setting for that destination AE was configured previously but then reset to "None"
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server component where the Patient Age data element (0010,1010) may not be encoded correctly during Dicom transfer syntax conversion
6.5.3 | September 28, 2016 |
- Added support for routing Dicom Modality Performed Procedure Step (MPPS) messages
- Added support for proposing SCP Role Selection when sending Dicom Storage Commitment reports (N-EVENT-REPORT)
- Allow absent/empty key attribute to match against the logical NOT operator ("!") in the Advanced Logical Expression pattern rule for Automatic Routing of Dicom images
- Discontinued support for obsolete Windows platforms such as Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, etc.
6.5.2 | May 18, 2016 |
- Switch to CornerStone (instead of the AiViewer) as the default browser-based Dicom image viewer
- Save User Authentication information for the CornerStone Viewer so that the logged-in web users do not have to enter their username/password information again when loading Dicom images into the CornerStone Viewer
- Added support for SYSTEMD Service configuration of PacsOne Server for all Linux builds (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where the client AE may receive the User Identify Negotiation sub-item (Item Type 0x58) in the Dicom ASSOCIATE-AC response returned by PacsOne Server, even if the client AE did not request for such sub-tem. This sub-item may cause parsing errors in some client AEs which may subsequently abort the Dicom association with PacsOne Server.
- Fixed a URL-encoding bug in the "Dicom AE→Query/Retrieve" menu where the Dicom studies within the query results returned from the remote AE may failed to be retrieved with the "Unable to Process" error status
- Fixed a compatibility issue with MySQL 5.7.6 or later releases where the MySQL version information was not interpreted properly
6.5.1 | January 29, 2016 |
- Added support for CornerStone which is a HTML5/JavaScript based Dicom image viewer
- Fixed a compatibility issue with MySQL 5.7.6 or later releases in the User Administration menu
6.4.6 | September 28, 2015 |
- Added Compress Entire Database page to the Tools menu to compress all images stored in the database via one of the Dicom lossless compression transfer syntaxes
- Added Institution Name and Reviewing Web User filters for the Tools→Statistics Report page
- Added option to bypass user authentication for received Dicom study access URL in the HL7 ORU Report messages sent to RIS/HIS systems
- Added Preferred Dicom Transfer Syntax configuration for Automatic Routing Rules (Auto Route) page
- Added Access Control for the Dicom C-GET command for application entities (AEs) configured in the Dicom AE page
- Fixed a bug in the Monthly Statistics Report emails where the Dicom studies received on the last day of the month were not included in the report email
- Fixed a bug in the Study Notes Search Results page so that only those studies that the current logged-in web user has access to are included in the matching results
6.4.5 | May 1, 2015 |
- Added Search Dicom AE page in the Search menu
- Added support for the Requested Procedure Step Description field in the HL7 ORM Message to Dicom Modality Worklist (DMWL) record mapping table
- Update to the latest version (6.1.5) of the MySQL Connector/C libraries
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server component where a case-sensitive Patient ID comparison function was used when checking for duplicate Patient IDs, which could result in missed identification of duplicate Patient ID if the Patient IDs from the incoming and existing studies only differ in case/capitalization
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server component where the Action Type ID data element in the N-ACTION-RQ command sent in the Dicom Storage Commitment Report Request message was not initialized properly
6.4.4 | Jan 28, 2015 |
6.4.3 | September 28, 2014 |
- Added support for Automatic Routing Schedule by a Delayed [From, To] Time Window for PacsOne Server to delay forwarding received Dicom studies/images until the local time is within the configured [From, To] window
- Added support for Windows 64-bit versions of the ImageMagick PHP extension DLL for PHP 5.4 (php5.4_imagick.dll)
- Added Date-based display filters to the Tools→Check Duplicate Patient ID page
- Added support for List Of UID matching method for Dicom Query/Retrieve service SOP classes
- Added Source AE information in the Tools->Statistics Report and Daily/Weekly/Monthly Statistics Report emails
- Added support for Parallel Dicom Retrieve operations during the Automatic Synchronization with a remote AE, where PacsOne Server will establish multiple simultaneous Dicom C-MOVE associations with the remote AE to fetch Dicom studies stored on the remote AE in parallel (instead of feteching one study at a time, i.e., in serial, via a single Dicom association). This Parallel Retrieve feature will reduce the network transfer time for fetching the Dicom studies stored on the remote AE exponentially due to the parallel processing
- Fixed a bug displaying the patient information when user clicks on the Study Notes and Attachments icon in the study list pages (e.g., Home, Unread Studies pages,etc) to add study notes
- Fixed a bug in the PHP Dicom data element parser (php/dicom.php) where it was not reading the Sequence (SQ) Items with explicit length correctly
6.4.2 | May 29, 2014 |
6.4.1 | January 30, 2014 |
6.3.8 | September 28, 2013 |
6.3.7 | May 3, 2013 |
6.3.6 | January 28, 2013 |
- Added Study View Filters to the Home page for power users with the View Private Study privilege enabled
- Enable Profile settings (e.g., Preferred Import/Export Folder, Customized Patient/Study View Columns, etc) for the Administrator
- Enhanced the resolution unit for the Wait N minutes for all instances of the study to be received and forward the entire study option from minutes to seconds
- Make the display of patient specific information (e.g., Patient ID, Patient Name, Date of Birth, Institution Name, etc) in the Study List pages (e.g., Home, Unread Studies, etc) configurable via the registered user profiles
- Added support for embedded URLs in the statistics report emails, for accessing the referenced Dicom studies directly by clicking on the URLs embedded in the emails
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server component where it was not copying imported Dicom image files to the user-specified destination folder, if user has selected both the Import From Removable Media Drive and Select a List of Patients to Import options for the Import
- Fixed a bug in the ImageMagick PHP extension where calls to the C library function strncpy with overlapping addresses may cause temporary filenames to be corrupted on certain 64-bit Linux platforms
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom Server component where the routed Dicom study was not deleted if both the Delete After Route and the Wait N Minutes and Forward All Instances of The Study options are selected for the defined automatic routing rule
6.3.5 | September 30, 2012 |
6.3.4 | April 30, 2012 |
- Added support for Unicode - ISO IR-192 as Dicom Specific Character Set
- Added support for Web Access to DICOM Persistent Objects (WADO)
- Fixed a bug in the ImageMagick PHP extension where it was not processing the Window/Level values of certain 16-bit CR modality images properly
6.3.3 | January 31, 2012 |
- Added configurable number of records (default is 10) displayed in multi-page web user interface pages that can be customized in each web user's Profile
- Added System Administration privilege that can be enabled/disabled for individual or group users, so that they can share the workload as well as the privileges of the System Administrator
- Added support for configurable Retry Interval for retrying failed automatic routing jobs
- Added support for Dicom Key Object Selection (UID 1.2.840.10008. SOP class
- Included Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Redistributable Library Package for Windows platform installers
- Fixed a bug in the Search By Study page where the Date of Birth (DOB) information was displayed as "N/A" in the search results when searching by Study Date key
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where Dicom private sequence items were not parsed properly if they are encoded as "UN" VR type instead of "SQ"
6.3.2 | September 27, 2011 |
6.3.1 | April 27, 2011 |
- Added support for Transcription Template (Microsoft Word) to the Study Notes page for Windows platforms
- Added support for the following Dicom Modality Performed Procedure Step (MPPS) related SOP classes:
- Modality Performed Procedure Step (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Modality Performed Procedure Step Retrieve (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Modality Performed Procedure Step Notification (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Added support for Dicom Big-Endian Explicit VR transfer syntax (UID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2)
- Added a security feature to lock out a username for 12 hours after the maximum of 3 failed login attempts
- Added support for Fuji Synapse private CR storage class (UID 1.2.392.200036.9125.1.1.2)
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where it was incorrectly expecting the optional Affected SOP Class UID data element in the N-EVENT-RSP message returned by the Storage Commitment Report SCP
6.2.5 | January 28, 2011 |
- Added support for interfacing with a remote database backend (MySQL or Oracle) which may be running on a different host other than the one where PacsOne Server is running
- Added Full-size Image Matrix page for viewing full-size converted JPG/GIF images when users click on any thumbnail image from the Image Thumbnails page
- Added support for multiple email addresses for each registered user profile
- Added support for email notification to registered email address (es) of web users who are assigned to a Source AE, when a new Dicom study is received from that Source AE
- Fixed a bug in the licensing module where no more than 255 AEs could be added when running an Unlimited-AE PacsOne Server license
6.2.4 | September 29, 2010 |
- Added support for the following non-default Dicom Specific Character Sets:
- Simplified Chinese - ISO IR-192/GB18030
- Korean - ISO IR-149
- Japanese JIS X 0201 - ISO IR-13
- Japanese JIS X 0208 - ISO IR-87
- Japanese JIS X 0212 - ISO IR-159
- Added Admitting Diagnoses Description (0008,1080) to the supported Data Element Coercion table in the Tools page
- Added option in the Configuration page for the Administrator to enable display of veterinary specific information in patient view pages, e.g., species, breed, owner, etc.
- Added customizable patient view to the User Profile page
- Added support for running specific instances of PacsOne Server under configurable User/Group context for Linux and MacOS X versions
- Added support for modifying Study Date (0008,0020) information via a URL link in all study list web pages
- Added support for JPEG-LS Lossless (UID 1.2.840.10008. and JPEG-LS Near-Lossless/Lossy (UID 1.2.840.10008. compression transfer syntaxes
- Added support for the following list of optional Dicom Query/Retrieve attributes in the C-FIND requests:
- Number of Patient Related Studies (0020,1200)
- Number of Patient Related Series (0020,1202)
- Number of Patient Related Instances (0020,1204)
- Number of Study Related Series (0020,1206)
- Number of Study Related Instances (0020,1208)
- Number of Series Related Instances (0020,1209)
- Added option in the Application Entity table for the Administrator to assign all Dicom studies received from a Source AE to one or more registered users
- Added Search By Study Received Date method in the Search→Search By Study menu
- Fixed a bug (obsolete database column name) in the php/notifynewstudy.php script which is used to send email notifications to registered web users for newly received Dicom studies
- Fixed an integer sizing bug in the 64-bit Linux version where 32-bit buffer-size variables were not sufficient for very large dataset images (over 1 GB)
6.2.3 | April 30, 2010 |
- Added support for Automatic Routing by both Source AE Title and Key Attribute via the AND (&&) logical operator
- Added support for toggling the sort order (ascending/descending) for the URL-linked columns in the study and patient list pages, e.g., Home, Unread Studies, Browse page, etc.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with Microsoft Internet Explorer where some versions of the MSIE browsers are not displaying the Storage Commitment Report Status icon images properly due to the <EMBED> HTML tag
- Fixed a bug in Automatic Routing Rule pattern matching where it was not matching pattern strings that begins with the wild-card character '*' (e.g., "*Apex") properly
- Fixed a bug in the Installer where the 45-day trial license may not be created on a new server, if the user-entered database username/password is brand new (has not been created yet)
- Fixed the wrong build (debug version) for the Windows version of the ImageMagick PHP extension for PHP 5.3.x (php5.3_imagick.dll)
6.2.2 | January 28, 2010 |
- Added support for PHP 5.3.x (for users who plan to use the Worklist Import related features, please avoid PHP 5.3.1 or prior 5.3.x releases because of this PHP bug)
- Added support for Dicom Storage Commitment Report Push Model (UID 1.2.840.10008.1.20.1) as a SCU when forwarding images to remote SCPs
- Added option to propose a separate Dicom Presentation Context for each transfer syntax when sending to the remote AEs in the Application Entity page
- Added Preferred Import Removable Media Drive, Preferred Import Destination Folder and Study/Image Notes Sharing settings to the Profile page
- Added more supported data elements to the Anonymization Template tool
- Added support for optionally using the Original/Source AE Title or a User-defined Sending AE Title for Automatic Routing rules
- Added support for Automatic Purging by Source AE Title
- Added support for multiple Automatic Purging Rules that can be configured independently of each other
- Fixed a bug in php/importWorklist.php script where it was not setting the Date/Time stamp when a worklist record is imported
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where it could initiate unnecessary retries for automatic routing jobs due to incorrect interpretation of the Warning C-STORE-RSP response status received from the destination AE
6.2.1 | September 26, 2009 |
6.1.3 | February 7, 2009 |
6.1.2 | October 17, 2008 |
- Support more Automatic Routing keys: Modality (0008,0060), and Modalities In Study (0008,0061)
- Added support for Automatic Purging Filters by User-Defined Dicom Data Element Patterns
- Added support for JPEG 2000 Part-1 Lossless Only Compression(UID 1.2.840.10008. and JPEG 2000 Part-1 Lossless Or Lossy Compression(UID 1.2.840.10008. transfer syntaxes
- Added support for Video Endoscopic Image Storage SOP class (UID 1.2.840.10008. and MPEG2 Image Compression transfer syntax (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Added customizable company logo to PacsOne Server web pages
- Added Search By Patient ID and Search By Patient Names methods in the Search By Study page
- Added Search By Full Name and Search By Institution Name methods in the Search By Patient page which ignores the order of patient's first, last and middle names
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where it could forward a pre-existing study multiple times to the destination AE, if the Pre-Fetch Existing Studies feature is enabled during automatic routing
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where it could corrupt allocated memory buffer, if a data element coercion rule is defined to coerce the Patient ID (0010,0020) of received images and the received image contains a duplicate Patient ID of an existing patient record.
- Fixed a bug in the Import Worklist PHP script where it could possibly generate incompliant Study UID values with leading zero for imported worklist data, which might not be compatible with some Dicom applications that perform strict checking on Study UID values
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component during transfer syntax conversion from 16-bit RLE Compression to the default Implicit VR Little-Endian transfer syntax
6.1.1 | April 25, 2008 |
5.1.4 | January 30, 2008 |
- Increase the trial license limit to the maximum of 1,000,000 (one million) images
- Support more Automatic Routing keys: Study Description (0008,1030), and Series Description (0008,103E)
- Enhancement to the database job engine to allow a separate job queue for each configured Application Entity (AE)
- Support manually entering worklist data from the Modality Worklist menu
- Added Auto-Scan Worklist feature to automatically scan worklist data from worklist text files under a pre-configured source directory
- Make Today's Log page from the Tools menu auto-refresh every 30 seconds
- Added Priority support for database jobs so that PacsOne will process manually-submitted jobs first before the system-generated jobs (e.g., automatic routing jobs)
- Fixed a bug in the Windows version Installer where it was not saving the path for Default Archive Directory into database table properly
- Fixed a bug in the database job scheduler where earlier submitted jobs scheduled to be run on a later hour could queue up before the newly submitted immediate jobs
5.1.3 | October 25, 2007 |
5.1.2 | July 20, 2007 |
- Added option to only import selected patients from import source instead of importing all patients
- Added Import Worklist feature to import worklist records from uploaded text files
- Added support for Post-Receive Image Compression feature to make PacsOne compress received images in either Dicom JPEG Lossless or JPEG Baseline Lossy compression transfer syntaxes
- Added Search By Export Date tool to the Search By Study page
- Added support for Sending Email Notifications to users about failed jobs
- Fixed a bug in the Windows version Installer (Setup.exe) where the PacsOne Server service was not started automatically when it is completed
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where it was not encoding the Patient Comments (0010,4000) data element properly during transfer syntax conversion
- Fixed a bug in the ImageMagick PHP extension in the implementation of the Window/Level algorithm for signed pixel data representation
5.1.1 | April 18, 2007 |
- Added support for Mac OS X (Release 10.4 or later) for x86 processors
- Added URL links for modifying Referring Physician Name, Reading Physician Name and Accession Number in the study list pages
- Fixed a bug in automatic image routing where the images were delivered immediately instead of according to the user-defined [from, to] schedule window
- Fixed a non-conformance in the Dicom PHP module where the Universal Matching method was used for the Patient ID (0010,0020) data element instead of Single-Value Matching, when PacsOne queried a remote Dicom AE using the Patient-Root Information Model SOP classes
- Fixed a bug in the Automatic Routing administration page when there are multiple routing rules defined with the same source/destination AE and schedule, but with a different matching pattern string
4.1.4 | January 31, 2007 |
- Increase the trial license limit to the maximum of 10000 images
- Added support for Group Users
- Support Non-Default MySQL Port/Socket for Windows version of PacsOne Server Premium Edition
- Added Database Integrity Check to the Tools page
- Support Modalities In Study (0008,0061) as STUDY level search key for Dicom Query/Retrieve
- Added support for Modality (0008,0060) in the Data Element Coercion tool
- Fixed a memory leak in the ImageMagick PHP extension when scaling/sampling multi-frame images into thumbnails
4.1.3 | November 21, 2006 |
- Added support for Apache 2.2/PHP 5.2
- Make the directories for storing generated thumbnail and full-size JPG/GIF images configurable by the Administrator ('root')
- Added support for Dicom Raw Data Storage SOP Class (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Added a configurable Preferred Dicom Transfer Syntax to the Application Entity table, so that PacsOne Server can always prefer this defined transfer syntax when sending images to the corresponding destination AE
- Added Upload Dicom Images to the Tools page to enable users to upload and import Dicom Part-10 formatted raw images from any browser
- Added Auto-Scan feature to automatically import any Dicom Part-10 formated raw images from a pre-configured source directory into the PacsOne Server database
- Fixed a memory leak when there are a large number of connections timed out
4.1.2 | September 30, 2006 |
- Added support for Fuji DRYPIX1000/3000 Dicom printer
- Enhance the Automatic Synchronization with Dicom Query/Retrieve SCP feature from the current STUDY level to the IMAGE level
- Added Search Dicom Modality Worklist (DMWL) tool to the Search page
- Added sorting to displayed Dicom Modality Worklist (DMWL) table columns
- Added support for switching to importing raw image files if parsing of the Dicom Directory Information (DICOMDIR) file has failed during Import operations
- Fixed a compatiblity issue with Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) browsers where the downloaded ZIP file is dumped to the browser window instead of being prompted to save as ZIP file for some versions of MSIE browsers
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where the parsing of Dicom data elements in the received images could stop prematurely if the image contains an embedded image pixel data sequence
- Fixed a bug in the Dicom server component where the transfer syntax conversion could fail, if there are multiple clients retrieving the same image at the same time
- Fixed a bug in the HL7 interface where some types of Time Stamp data (e.g., YYYYMMDDHH) were not parsed properly into the MySQL DateTime data
4.1.1 | August 8, 2006 |
- Added support for 64-bit (x86_64) version of PacsOne Server Premium Edition for Linux platforms (AMD64 /Intel EM64T)
- Added Preferred Import and Export Directories to the User Profile page
- Fixed a bug when creating new users where PacsOne Server did not assign sufficient privileges for users to update their profile information themselves
- Fixed a bug where the Dicom server component was not filtering matching worklist items using the key attributes sent from the querying client
4.0.2 | July 10, 2006 |
- Added Unread Studies link to the Main Menu bar to display all unread studies
- Added Upload Directory to the System Configurations page to allow users to either store uploaded attachments under a specified directory, or store the attachments into the database table directly
- Added support for Dicom image routing by Institution Name (0008,0080) attribute
- Added support for updating existing Patient Name using the information obtained from the worklist data returned from the Dicom Modality Worklist (DMWL) SCP
- Added support for pre-fetching existing studies of a sheduled patient, by querying the Dicom Modality Worklist (DMWL) SCP and then automatically forwarding all existing studies of the scheduled patient to the scheduled AE contained in the worklist data
- Localized the PHP scripts for other languages
- Fixed a bug importing Dicom images where PacsOne would abort the Import job if it fails to read the DICOMDIR directory information, while the proper behavior or the fix is to simply read all raw Dicom images instead of relying on information contained in the DICOMDIR file
- Fixed a compatibility issue with some older Dicom 2.0 applications that include the retired (0000,0010) data element in the C-STORE-RQ sent to PacsOne Server
- Modified the ImageMagick PHP extension to display the original pixel data in the thumbnail images, instead of apply the Value Of Interest (VOI) Look-Up Table (LUT) if present in the received Dicom images
4.0.1 | May 18, 2006 |
3.1.8 | January 18, 2006 |
- Added support for PHP 5.1.x and MySQL 5.0.x
- Added Tag and Un-Tag buttons to label/un-label key images
- Added support for Dicom Storage Commitment Push Model SOP class as a SCP
- Added option to store received images under date-based archive directory hierarchy, in addition to the current method of using one sub-folder for images received on each day
- If user has selected the option to include external viewer programs when exporting patients/studies/series/images, copy the entire source directory hierarchy in addition to the top-level files
- Fixed a bug when sending a list of Failed Instance UIDs to the requesting application, if a large number of instances failed during a retrieve (C-MOVE) sub-operation
- Fixed a bug where a list of paginated studies were not displayed properly when users sort the output of the Statistics Reports by date.
- Fixed a bug in the PacsOne Server Setup program where a wrong expiration date was calculated when the trial license was created.
3.1.7 | November 12, 2005 |
- Added Study Notes and Image Notes pages for users to exchange bulletin-board style online discussions about a subject study and/or image
- Added Upload privielege for users to upload text files, Word/PDF documents, ZIP files or audio/video clips as attachments to Study/Image Notes
- Added support for the Agfa DS3200 Dicom printer (many thanks to John Colarchik for beta-testing this feature)
- Added Duplicate Patient ID Resolution page to the Tools menu to allow users to resolve duplicate patient IDs
- Added Automatic Password Expiration (default is 60 days) for non-Administrator user accounts
- Added option to including [1-9] existing older studies when auto-routing newly received studies to the destination AE
- Added option to include external image viewer program files when exporting patients, studies, or series to CD/DVD media
- Fixed a bug in the ImageMagick PHP extension when displaying Palette Color images with preset Window/Level values
- Fixed a compatibility bug when receiving images created by older Dicom modallities that may include the data element (0000,0001) (Length to End) which has been retired in Dicom 3.0 Standard
3.1.6 | October 10, 2005 |
- Added support for Modality Worklist Info Model – FIND SOP class (UID 1.2.840.10008. as SCP
- Added support for Ophthalmic Photography 8/16-Bit Image Storage classes (UID 1.2.840.10008.
- Added On-The-Fly Image Resizing to the Full-size Image page, many thanks to Jerry R. Crick for contributing the original modifications
- Added Next Series/Previous Series links to the Full-size Image page to navigate to next/previous series within the same study
- Fixed the dependency on for the Linux version of the ImageMagick PHP extension
- Fixed a bug where the Username/Password strings on the Login page were limited to 10 characters
- Fixed a couple compatibility issues with PHP 5.0.5
3.1.5 | August 21, 2005 |
- Added support for Run Length Encoding (RLE) transfer syntax (UID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.5)
- Added configurable maximum number of retries for automatic routing jobs
- Added support for HIPAA Audits by logging users activities to the System Journal Log
- Added Statistics Reporting in the Tools page for reporting studies received Yesterday, This Week, This Month, This Year and a User-defined [From, To] time window
- Added support for sending automatic daily/weekly/monthly Statistics Report and monthly System Journal Log emails via a SMTP server
- Added feature to automatically logout user sessions if they have been idle for a certain period of time (default is 10 minutes)
- Support Range Matching for Study Time (0008,0030) and Series Time (0008,0031) attributes when processing Dicom Query/Retrieve (C-FIND/C-MOVE) requests
- Fixed a bug displaying Structured Report (SR) Documents which are encoded using Explicit VR Little-Endian transfer syntax
- Fixed a bug when translating private data elements from the Explicit VR Little-Endian transfer syntax to the Implicit VR Little-Endian transfer syntax
3.1.4 | July 14, 2005 |
- Added a feature to route images by a user-defined [From, To] Schedule Window
- Added a feature to optionally compress exported content into ZIP files which can be downloaded after the export is complete
- Changed the Home Page to display all studies received today, added a Browse link to the Main Menu bar to browse through all accessible patients in the database
- Fixed a bug in the ImageMagick PHP extension when displaying 10-bit MONOCHROME1 images
- Store received images each day under a sub-directory based on the current date, so that they can be archived on a daily basis
3.1.3 | June 10, 2005 |
- Fixed a bug in the ImageMagick PHP extension when displaying 10-bit JPEG Lossless compressed images
- Fixed a bug in the download.php script that caused errors when downloading datasets larger than 200 MB (Note for PHP 5.0.4 users: If you need to download datasets larger than 2 MB, you need to downgrade to PHP 5.0.3 because there's a bug in PHP 5.0.4 where downloading files larger than 2 MB will not work properly)
- Added a feature to optionally move aged studies to a user-specified destination folder when automatically purging studies
- Added support for a preferred transfer syntax for receiving images, so that PacsOne will use the user-defined preferred transfer syntax instead of selecting the first supported transfer syntax from the list presented by the remote AE
- Added support for transfer syntax translation from Explicit VR Little-Endian to Implicit VR Little-Endian transfer syntax, so that PacsOne can send images encoded in the Explicit VR Little-Endian transfer syntax to applications that do not support it (e.g., eFilm, etc.)
3.1.2 | May 8, 2005 |
- Further Database Optimization to scale MySQL tables beyond 100 million (100,0000,000+) images
- Modified Remote Synchronization feature to perform the remote AE Query and Retrieve operations in two separate sessions
- When receiving images with duplicate Patient IDs, use the Source AE Title as the suffix appended to the duplicate Patient ID string and allow only one duplicate per existing Patient ID
- Fixed a bug where the quotation character (') in the Patient ID string was not handled properly in the web user interface
3.1.1 | April 13, 2005 |
2.1.4 | March 15, 2005 |
2.1.3 | February 12, 2005 |
- Added support for Basic Grayscale Print Management Meta SOP class
- Optimize transmit speed when forwarding or retrieving a large number of images
- Fixed a bug where the wrong volume size was calculated when exporting studies to DVD media
- Fixed a bug where not all studies of a patient were displayed when selecting studies for Export (Many thanks to Jie Huang for reporting this bug as well as providing the fix)
- Fixed a bug where modality worklists read from remote SCP were being inserted using the wrong table column names
2.1.2 | December 31, 2004 |
- Added support for MySQL 4.1.x releases
- Optimize Dicom Query/Retrieve performance in response time for large PacsOne Server databases (Many thanks to Roy Barrs for making this optimization possible)
- Added URL links in the Patient Page to sort the patient list by Patient ID, Patient Name or by Patient's Birth Date in addition to the current method of sorting by Last Access
2.1.1 | December 1, 2004 |
- Added support for Linux platforms
- Save the PacsOne Server configurations into a MySql table and use the configured AE Title when initiaing C-ECHO/C-FIND/C-MOVE requests from the PacsOne web user interface
- Optimize Dicom Tags processing to be more efficient when displaying raw Dicom tags for large images
- Added support for changing user password from the User Administration page when logged in as Administrator (root)
1.1.9 | October 18, 2004 |
- Added support for Visible Light (VL) Storage SOP Classes
- Added Route By Key Attribute feature for automatic image routing. Supported routing key attributes include Patient ID (0010,0020) and Referring Physician's Name (0008,0090)
- Added feature to optionally purge received images after they have been routed successfully to destination AEs
- Added option to automatically purge storage directories according to User-Defined Low and High Water Marks in terms of disk usage percentage
1.1.8 | September 12, 2004 |
Added support for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Radio Therapy (RT) image storage SOP classes. |
1.1.7 | August 3, 2004 |
1.1.6 | July 19, 2004 |
- Added features for exporting patients/studies to and importing external patients/studies from local DICOM Storage Media Formatted directory or CD/DVD media
- Added feature for custom data element coercion based on source AE title
- Added page control to the Image Display page when displaying a large number of images
- Use disk usage information instead of total image file size when displaying archive directory usage information in the Application Entity page
1.1.5 | June 11, 2004 |
Fixed a bug where the scheduled database job status were not updated after the database job has been completed. (Many thanks to Patrick Erley for reporting this bug) |
1.1.4 | June 8, 2004 |
Fixed a bug in the distribution package in the previous version (Version 1.1.3) where the PHP scripts of the web user interface were not updated. |
1.1.3 | May 28, 2004 |
Added support for DICOM Structured Reporting, Modality Worklist Management and Detached Study Management SOP classes; Fixed a bug in the Java viewer applet where it was not handling the optional Group Length element (7fe0, 0000) in the image data properly. |
1.1.2 | April 1, 2004 |
Added page control for displaying a long list of patients in multiple pages; Added embedded anti-spam image instead of plain-text to the Login page for extra security; Fixed a bug where the PacsOne Server log file was overwriten when a new server instance was started. |
1.1.1 | February 29, 2004 |
- Fixed a bug in the installer where it failed to find MySQL executable ("mysql.exe") for newer versions of MySQL (e.g., 4.0.17)
- Added additional User Access/Privilege Control feature: If the current user does not have the 'View' privilege enabled, match the Last Name and First Name of the current user with Referring or Reading Physician Names to determine whether the current user has access to the Private patients/studies
- Added Anti-Spam Access Code to the Login page for extra security, added link to the Online HTML Help files in the Main Menu Bar (Contributed by Ramin Moshiri).
1.1.0 | February 15, 2004 | Initial version. |